Property for sale in Billingshurst

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Latest properties for sale in Billingshurst

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Recently sold property in Billingshurst

A selection of our most recently sold houses, flats and other properties in Billingshurst are shown below.

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Billingshurst office front

Billingshurst property guide

Think of a picture-postcard West Sussex village that offers the sort of attractions and amenities more akin to a town and you're probably thinking about Billingshurst. Location-wise Billingshurst is a gem. Gatwick is not too far away, while by train you can be at London Victoria in an hour and a quarter or, in the other direction, the coast at Bognor Regis in less than forty minutes.

In other words, if you're look at a house move in West Sussex, you'd be foolish not to check out properties for sale in Billingshurst. Why? Well, firstly because the village is situated on the edge of the Weald, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, so if rural pursuits are your thing, you'll be in heaven. Then there's the beautiful village centre, where you'll find rather more shops than you might expect for a place of this size. Throw in a clutch of historic buildings - including no fewer than five churches - and a handful of decent pubs and eateries, and Billingshurst offers you everything you need.

That extends to the choice of Billingshurst property for sale too. For a West Sussex village of modest size, Billingshurst offers a range of homes that pretty much includes something for every kind of buyer. There is an abundance of modern semi-detached and detached family homes to be found on East Street and Stane Street. Elsewhere around the village you can find beautiful and more traditional cottages and bungalows. Single professionals or couples looking to get a foot on the housing ladder will find a wealth of superb apartments and flats for sale in Billingshurst. And for those beyond working age who are looking for a rural haven that still offers easy access to the city and the seaside there are many great retirement properties here.

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